My problem:
Trying to parse album ids from Picasa's API:
Source picasaResponse = restTemplate.getForObject( albumsURL, Source.class, parameters );
Jaxp13XPathTemplate xpathTemplate = new Jaxp13XPathTemplate();
Collection albumIds = xpathTemplate.evaluate("//entry",
picasaResponse, new NodeMapper(){
public Object mapNode(Node node, int i) throws DOMException {
Element album = (Element) node;
log.debug("IN NODE ALBUM");
return null;
This never worked. It should have I thought. Trying different combinations of "/entry", "/feed/entry", "//atom:entry", "/atom:feed/atom:entry", swapping with Jaxen, etc made no impact.
Then after some googlebashing and soulsearching I solved the problem.
The Xpath template needs a namespace to resolve the atom xml. So adding this solved the problem:
Source picasaResponse = restTemplate.getForObject( albumsURL, Source.class, parameters );
Jaxp13XPathTemplate xpathTemplate = new Jaxp13XPathTemplate();
Properties namespaces = new Properties();
Collection albumIds = xpathTemplate.evaluate("//atom:entry",
picasaResponse, new NodeMapper(){
public Object mapNode(Node node, int i) throws DOMException {
Element album = (Element) node;
log.debug("IN NODE ALBUM");
return null;
Ps. code simplified and not using bean injection etc for clarity.